Marlink hits milestone with 3,000 managed hybrid network solutions integrated with LEO
Trend towards combination of networks in a managed service accelerates as digital transition shifts up a gear and cyber threats increase for maritime industry players

Oslo and Paris, 30.05.2024 – Marlink, the leading smart network and digital solutions company, has hit a milestone in sales of LEO solutions, with more than 3,200 LEO terminals sold for integration into hybrid networks or deployed standalone.
Shipping companies are increasingly turning to the high throughput, low latency service for crew welfare services, business purposes or a combination of both. But operators are taking a managed approach to the transition, reflecting the need for critical communications in shipping that a hybrid network will provide.
More and more companies are contracting Marlink to upgrade their onboard networks to include LEO systems from Starlink or Eutelsat OneWeb alongside VSAT, 4G/5G, and terrestrial fibre services as they seek to deploy standard software applications and connect remote and floating assets to the cloud.
In the last 12 months leading Greek shipowners Thenamaris, Polembros Shipping and Sun Enterprises have upgraded their networks to Marlink’s Sealink NextGen solution to support their digital business strategies.
In doing so they can take advantage of digital technologies that were unavailable only a few years ago, such as collaborative workflow tools, remote class survey, complex voyage optimisation tools, online training and remote maintenance.
These vessel operators have recognised that the functionality and security of their assets means that a hybrid approach is needed to provide the required levels of network availability and quality of service.
The increase in traffic prompted by the digital transition has also been accompanied by growth in cyber risks and in demand for cyber protection tools that can be delivered flexibly at the level of the network, vessel or user.
Recent data from the Marlink Security Operations Centre show that major incidents are increasing quarter on quarter. In an average three-month period, the Marlink SOC registers around 70,000 alerts of which around 50% constitute high severity incidents.
LEO is undoubtedly the service that the shipping industry has been waiting for; it creates possibilities and increases the opportunity for both crew and business solutions. We think that growth will continue but the evidence is that vessel operators will continue to maintain a blended network, with cyber security at the core as the digital journey continues.
About Marlink
For companies operating in the world’s most challenging environments – from merchant vessels to offshore and onshore energy operations, from humanitarian organisations to cruise ships and superyachts – Marlink creates and delivers possibilities, anywhere.
Marlink is a managed service provider and global leader in remote ICT solutions with annual revenues surpassing $800 million and 1,500 employees operating in more than 30 countries. Wherever our customers are in the world, we deliver them possibilities to work smarter and to operate more effectively, more safely, more sustainably - without the limitations of technology.
With our possibility platform, we enable a comprehensive suite of end-to-end managed solutions (Connectivity, Network, Cybersecurity, Cloud & IT, IoT & Apps), supported by professional services, unmatched global operations and delivery capabilities and local support teams. As a global company with a local focus we help make tomorrow’s possibilities today’s realities.
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